
  1. T

    Black Slaves Developed America's Iron Industry

    African men with iron making skills were imported to the Chesapeake to work as blacksmiths on plantations and in the iron industry that, by the early 18th century, had begun to develop in Colonial America. Ironworkers were an elite group in West and West Central Africa, (de Barrios 2000:148...
  2. JadeB

    Why are men who are into astrology/spirituality so rare?

  3. PCHMalibu

    New deck, need to get some practice, who wants a reading?

    Got a new tarot deck. If you got a question you want read, drop it below. I'll mediate and answer in the am.
  4. Spirituality Benefits

    What have ya'll dappled in and how has it benefitted you? I'm a perenialist Christian and my spirituality greatly impacts my life in so many ways. Money, opportunity, mental happiness, good friends and family, wisdom. But some of ya'll mess around in some pretty intense stuff. Calling corners...
  5. The Blackout

    How Do You Bounce Back After Falling OFF?

    Okay, I know theboli is usually filled with troll try hard threads day in and day out but I wanted to start a thread that would actually help a lot of us brehs out on here bc from to time I be feelings yalls pain and sometimes we gotta look out for each other and spread some love and wisdom...
  6. Chubbs

    Mercury Retrograde 2018 discussion

    Thoughts? How has it impacted you so far?
  7. DboyRedd256

    Why Do U Still Celebrate Christmas As Jesus Bday??

    This is one thing that always confuses me year by year, by how many ppl I get into debates, arguments and damn near fights about December 25 aka Bhristmas being Jesus' Birthday :stopitslime: If the story of the 3 wise men following the north star to find baby Jesus in Bethlehem is true...
  8. Guvnor

    The African Traditional And Diasporic Religions Thread (Santeria, IFA, 21 Divisions, Sanse + etc)

    Anybody here into this kind of topic, if so let's build! I myself am interested in Santeria or Regla De Ocha though I am not an initiate at all to keep it real and grew up in a family with a Christian background. With that said, I really would like to hear everyone's experience with this kind...
  9. Jimi Swagger

    Mami Wata - World's Oldest Religions

    Haven't seen much information regarding Mami Wata on The Coli, only other vodoun and West African animism belief system. Didn't know if this should be posted here or on The Root so mods, "moderate" as you wish. Enjoy the journey. Mami Wata West African Diaspora Website 10-part interview in...
  10. R

    How come we don't have a Religious sub forum yet?

    It would be cool to have one to discuss religious and spiritual topics without being mocked by Atheist.
  11. SheWantTheD

    Have You Ever Cried During Sex?

    I never have but I think if I really love a chick, and we are intertwining, connecting on a body, mind and soul level it could happen. Squeezing her tight as we become one, water building up in my right eye and a single tear travels down my cheek :wow:
  12. JahFocus CS

    The Official Yoga Thread

    Peace brehs and brehettes, I noticed that there was not much discussion about yoga on this subforum, let alone an official thread, so I decided to create one :blessed: I will periodically come back and edit this post with good introductory videos and articles on the benefits of yoga, the...