sleep advice

  1. whatthatthangsmelllike

    Graveyard Heads

    What’s your routine to prepare for work? How do you sleep? Drink energy drinks?, what’s the safest? Earring habit’s, Do u eat more at night? Side joints?
  2. KidJSoul

    Anybody have advice for this weird sleep issue?

    basically, my stomach is never really properly full or hungry So as a result, whenever I go to bed, I either get indigestion and even dizziness when I'm full.... or, I'm too hungry and my sleep quality is poor. I can never eat dinner at like 6-8 when just be done for the rest of the day. I'm...
  3. KidJSoul

    How do you people fall asleep? Need help ASAP

    I have this weird shyt where I can't sleep for more than 6 hours without having to go peee. Weird thing is, it's only like that after 12am or so.:jbhmm: If I fall asleep at like 10:30 i can sleep well. But then I get hungry as hell, the later the day goes on :why: So often times I have to...