
  1. An ashy lil fap hand

    They wanted a COLI podcast. So We made one. #wedontevenneedthis [Now on iTunes]

    Me and @osharif82 been talking about doing a podcast anyway. :manny: So, we just went on ahead and did it. This ain't the best but it's a start. I noticed some people in the main thread talking about voting or waiting until such and such. I know for a fact that shyt just doesn't get done that...
  2. An ashy lil fap hand

    So I had The Nigerian on my podcast last week...

    He came over and we kicked it at my crib in Vegas. Talked about all manner of important things. He also gave me a ride to work. His car was clean and he is a safe driver. I think y'all will like this.
  3. An ashy lil fap hand

    My Stand-up Career is still pretty much thriving (Vol. 6?)

    Boolean For anyone in vegas, visit Criticism always welcome. :ninja1: