
  1. Playaz Eyez

    Rizzoo Rizzoo - Hot Sauce [Album]

    @shopthatwrecks @Houston911 @HARLEM AL @IronFist @Ronnie Lott @RebelX @Turbulent @Long Live The Kane @T.H.E. Goat @staticshock @Juneya @KEEPITTRILLA @Hungerpain @mozichrome @CrushedGroove @IVS @Crevard113 @LevelUp @AlbertPullhoez
  2. SirReginald

    Why Is It That If A Black Man Is Single Up To His 30's Or 40's He's Suspected As 'Gay'?

    This has something to do with Cory Booker and people like him. Even though he's pandering with Rosario Dawson, some people are too busy with their careers to focus on relationships. Peoples personal lives should be just that, personal. Just not with him. I've seen other brothas who's single...
  3. SirReginald

    Disturbing History Of Forced Sterilization Of Black Women In The U.S.

    @xoxodede @Elle Driver @BlackPearl The Empress something that's ignored in the mainstream media. Also, they were doing the same thing to the Ethiopian Jews at one point in Israel. Didn't know they did this to Black America women at one point too. Our people been through a lot. TLDR Started...
  4. SirReginald

    5 Year Old Black Boy Raped At School. Single "Black" Father Needs Your HELP.

  5. JadeB

    Pop Star Melanie Martinez Accused of Raping Woman

    I can't believe Melanie would do something like this. She is literally one of my favorite pop singers. I am thoroughly disgusted.
  6. N

    What exactly is "self hate"? (serious)

    That word gets thrown around a lot. Can only certain races have self hate? Are certain preferences self hate? Is "reverse colorism" self hate. (light skin people not liking other light skin people) Why do only certain races (or skin tones) get called out for self hate? Who determines what a self...
  7. SirReginald

    I Will Say That Even Though My Life Is Okay I STILL Wish I Had A Mentor (It Would Be Easier)

    I'll say that even though I'm doing better than most of the people I went to HS with who didn't get a scholarship, I wish I had a mentor. Why? Because you are better focused and you could have someone in your life that's been there and done that professionally. Yes, I have my parents, but I...
  8. SirReginald

    BARBERSHOP TALK: Do You Guys Have Racial Preferences When Getting Into A SERIOUS Relationship?

    My LAST thread of the night. In a way I will admit I do :manny: My first will ALWAYS be African women (Bantu and East African). I guess after that will be Sicilian, Greek/Cypriots, Middle Eastern (SSA admixture), Native American, Hispanic, and Asians. TBH, I don't like Anglo-Saxon women like...