
  1. Adeptus Astartes

    It's That Time again, Brehs...Get in here and celebrate.

    :dj2::dj2: :stylin::stylin:
  2. SquadLyfeMobb

    #NeverForget Coli Brehs...

    #NeverForget Jay-Z and Fabolous dropped CLASSIC albums on September 11th 2001 :salute: :mjlol:
  3. Black Panther

    September 11th: Where Were You?

    I was in 8th grade, headed to History class, when I saw the TV in class was on the news. Didn’t really have class for the rest of the day (well, except 8th Grade Algebra), I remember going from class to class, watching the news. Didn’t understand what was actually going on until the next day, as...
  4. Sensitive Christian Grey

    Withered Soul Pt 1: Taylor Swift covers September

    :gucci: This white girl slow covers of energetic songs trend has gotten out of control :scust: Here's the classic though :blessed:
  5. Neuromancer

    Any JJBA fans here?
