These people are so sensitive and want to be offend so bad it's ridiculous. I mean what has happened in the last five years to make so many people this way.? And look at how many more dislikes the video has then likes that to me is good because it tells me, most people hate how sensitive...
Okay first of all nobody should be forced to watch or listen to anything that offends them. But people do have the option of changing the channel a TV show or movie offerinds them or not listening to a song if the lyrics in the song are offensive to the individual listener. I brought up...
...Is probably more common than men pretending to be women on the Coli.
I think there are white and black women pretending to be men on here...
Either that or y'all will say anything to gain a woman's favor.
Some of these *other website* crossposts and "progressive playbook" responses are too...
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