
  1. FAH1223

    US Army develops Vaccine that protects against SARS including COVID and its Variants

    :wow: a soccer ball vaccine
  2. loyola llothta

    UK government admits training Nigeria’s ‘brutal’ SARS police unit

    End SARS protests: UK government admits it did train and supply equipment to Nigeria’s ‘brutal’ police unit Foreign Office minister initially denied ties to notorious force which sparked widespread protests link: UK government admits training Nigeria’s ‘brutal’ SARS police unit
  3. JayStarwind

    What is going on in Nigeria?

    I was trying to look up info on Hurricane Delta but ran into this instead Policeman, protester killed in Ughelli EndSARS Protest What I got so far is that protesters want the end of SARS, Special Anti-Robbery Squad, which is supposedly a corrupt unit of the Nigerian Police.
  4. SATAN

    Whatever happened to SARS?

    Remember that disease that the whole world was scared of back in the day? What happened to it? Was it completely eradicated? Was it as big in reality as the media made it out to be?