
  1. M

    Do you want to feel sad? Listen to this song

    :mjcry:Class of 2016 Me and my best friend from HS are still best friends but I don't talk to anyone else from school
  2. Da_Eggman

    Got More Picks Than A Little Bit:The Miami Dolphins 2019 Season Thread

    "A loss ain't a loss, it's a lesson" — Shawn Carter @Samson @Remote @intruder v6.1 @madness @Da_Eggman @Stepintoaworld @Meh @Sauce Dab @number21 @Alexander The Great @SoulController @Ain't That Something @mcellas @Freddie.Cane @d o L o b @He Who Posts Well @Alpha Dog I can’t see...
  3. blqbird

    Do all women like a$$holes these days?

    So I'm sleeping with my boss... and last night she tells me she wouldn't be as attracted to me if I was nice to her. It kinda fukked my head up because I thought I was a nice guy. I know I have a tendency to be rough and have an explosive temper but I didn't think I was a full blown a$$hole.
  4. Sassy

    The moment you knew your relationship was over? (Second Coli edition)

    It’s been 3 years since the first thread. So, I know some of y’all been in and out of relationships. But don’t worry, I’m not here to judge.:manny: So, to kick this shyt off, I guess I’ll go...
  5. Q

    3 men own more wealth than over 100,000,000 others combined

    Three Richest Americans Now Own More Wealth Than Bottom Half of US Combined: Report ___________________________CLIFF NOTES_____________________________________________ In the United States, the 400 richest individuals now own more wealth than the bottom 64 percent of the population and the...
  6. HopeKillCure

    Who here with the wrong 1 on Valentines Day

    :to:Do you feel like a simp? Is there anything you could have done differently to win the right 1 back? Are you happy enough with the new 1:noah:?
  7. Archangel

    With 2016 about done, what was the worst moment for you this year?

    I had a few. Buried my great grandmother back in January. She was 79 :mjcry: When Prince & Ali died, it was really tough. Two icons gone and even Maurice White dying was shocking too. What were your toughest moments this year?