running for office

  1. JadeB

    Martin Luther King Jr. apparently contemplated running for President.

    Why Martin Luther King Didn't Run for President King considered launching a presidential campaign to oppose military interventionism and promote democratic socialism Martin Luther King Jr., pictured here during the 1963 March on Washington, considered a run for office in the 1968 election...
  2. SirReginald

    OFFICIAL CALL TO ACTION THREAD: We WERE ONCE Male Lions Who Turned To Sissy Cats

    Listen, we have had ZERO leadership in our community :snoop: We need to turn that around and start working with one another. Also, we have to infiltrate our political system and run for local and state office :jawalrus: Because we need legislature passed that could help our poor communities...
  3. SirReginald

    Here's My Issue With The Black Lives Matter Movement (This Is MY WAY Of Improving It)

    PSA: I know not too many of you are keen to the BLM Movement. However, I have a different issue with it. Now, I like the BLM concept myself, but just protesting isn't gonna cut it :francis: I know Deray ran for Mayor of Baltimore, but that's not enough. These BLM people need to run for...
  4. SirReginald

    To Get "CHANGE" We MUST Run For Local & State Office Positions (Don't Let WHITE SUPREMACY WIN)

    I know I know I'm the last guy who should be talking. However, I was taking a walk today and doing landscaping around the house and it came to me we gotta get involved in our community :francis: Now before I start this my heart goes out to BOTH the brothers who lost their lives. I broke down...
  5. SirReginald

    WE THE PEOPLE Are To Blame If Trump Or Hillary Becomes President (PLAT TOPIC)

    I was gonna wait until November to make this thread, but the hell with it :manny: When we don't govern our local offices and so on situations like these happen :martin: Don't worry, I'm have just as much blame to take. Because I would just vote in the presidential election and nothing else...