
  1. JesusFOREVER

    Something feels off about this Patriots-Chargers game

    Sarah Thomas first female ref in NFL playoff history | The Star First female ref in playoff history :jbhmm: In fox borough :stopitslime: Snow :wtb: This game is gonna have hella fukkery, I can already see the female ref being in the middle of a game changing call in the 4th :patrice:
  2. The Gimp

    Charging for a W at Arrowhead but Chiefs ain’t up the River without a PAT-le LA vs KC game thread

    Bout to be a shoot out :whew:
  3. Morose Polymath

    Rather This End In A Tie Game Than Another Performance Like The "Tie" Game: Chargers @ Panthers WK14

    Today is the first time in his career when Phillip Rivers gets to play some professional pigskin in his old college stomping grounds. This :flabbynsick: December matchup features two sub-.500 squads who have a better chance of landing a top 10 draft pick than a playoff appearance :francis...