
  1. B

    They’re Coming for Birth Control[/

    https://msmagazine.com/2023/10/12/alliance-defending-freedom-birth-control-trans-gay/ JUSTICE & LAW NATIONAL VIOLENCE & HARASSMENT They’re Coming for Birth Control 10/12/2023 by JILL FILIPOVIC … and anti-discrimination laws, and gay rights, and the First Amendment. Kristen Waggoner...
  2. B

    Right-wing antifeminist influencers are starting to get a little uncomfortable with all the woman hating

    https://www.mediamatters.org/blazetv/right-wing-antifeminist-influencers-are-starting-get-little-uncomfortable-all-woman-hating Right-wing antifeminist influencers are starting to get a little uncomfortable with all the woman hating Exactly how misogynistic should conservatives be...
  3. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Stasserism, National Bolshevism, Right Wing Social Democracy

    Strasserism, the “Red-Brown Alliance,” and the Online Left Orwell, the conservative’s favorite socialist, famously once opined in 1944, during the peak of actually existing fascism, that “fascism,” in the pens and mouths of the literati, had been voided of all content and transformed into a...
  4. SirReginald

    This 'EXTREME' Racist Just May Become The 'Next' President Of Brazil (Meet, Jair Bolsonaro)

    TLDR Jair Bolsonaro is the Trump of Brazil, but worse Married 3 times and has 5 children OPPOSES reparations for Black Brazilians. 'They don't deserve a dime". His words Is close to winning the Presidency in Brazil. Elections are held next month (October) on the 7th. Women should NOT receive...
  5. Black Panther

    Let's Talk About the Religious Right UPDATE 11/7/2020 - VINDICATION!!!

    This is a subject very close to me. I used to belong to a church that increasingly espoused right-wing views over the years, and I ended up stepping down as a minister and leaving the church this past May due to their apathy on recent police shootings and open support for Donald Trump. :francis...