
  1. SnowflakesByTheOZ

    Retch hopping on that Brooklyn drill

  2. Ahadi

    Best Buy gotta have the worst customer service of all time

    They be on that :mjpls: Especially in the PC/Laptop Section.
  3. Homey the clown

    Why is Walmart still popular in this era of online shopping

    I don't care where you are in Americs when you go to any Walmart especially on the weekend Walmart is packed.Last year Walmart had a Revenue of $500.34 billiion . So while other brick and mortar retailers are barely surviving why hasn't the era of online shopping hurt Walmart while it has...
  4. Homey the clown

    Has Walmart replaced the Mall as the new weekend hangout spot

    I work at Walmart in Asset Protection and I swear on the weekends the Walmart I work is packed as hell.It seems like everybody and their mama is shopping at this Walmart.And it's not just the one I work at it's every Walmart in my city.When I was a kid I remember the two Mall in my city Towne...
  5. DrX

    Nothing is sadder than a tall nikka in a customer service job. you're suppose to be a warrior

    God bred big dudes and tall dudes to be warrior's. It's sad when u see a big dude that's like 6'7 serving fukking coffee or bagging groceries. U know how outta place u fukking look? God made u to be the protectors of the community, not pushing carts. I notice alotta tall nikkas are docile...