reparations owed

  1. T

    Black Slaves Developed America's Iron Industry

    African men with iron making skills were imported to the Chesapeake to work as blacksmiths on plantations and in the iron industry that, by the early 18th century, had begun to develop in Colonial America. Ironworkers were an elite group in West and West Central Africa, (de Barrios 2000:148...
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    Sam wasn't a good friend to Oda Mae

    He had her doing all these errands and missions for him knowing she had a record and knowing the dangers it put her in. He should have let her keep at least half of that 4 million dollars to move her and her sisters somewhere safe. She earned every bit of that money
  3. Low End Derrick

    Well Aint That Some shyt. #ADOS has Finally Spread to Middle America

  4. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Give People A Basic Income So They Can Be The Innovators


    "Black America": Amazon Alt History Drama

  6. Londilon

    U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel

    U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel
  7. Medicate

    The United States should consider reparations to AA descendants of slavery, a UN Work Group Says

    The United States should consider reparations to African-American descendants of slavery, a United Nations working group said Friday WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States should consider reparations to African-American descendants of slavery, establish a national human rights commission and...
  8. Medicate

    Slavery Of 2016 - Overworked and Under Paid: Why Is This The Reality for So Many Black People?

    Capitalism 101 - Worked to death with little to no rewards, except for bad health and death.....sounds familiar huh? :coffee: Overworked and Under Paid: Why Is This a Reality for So Many Black People? - Atlanta Blackstar Why does money seem to disappear shortly after you’ve been paid? When...
  9. Yehuda

    When Will White People Finally Stop Complaining About Affirmative Action? JULY 2, 2015 When Will White People Finally Stop Complaining About Affirmative Action? Madison Moore In 2008 Abigail Fisher, a bright eyed student, sued the University of...
  10. Medicate

    The Majority Of African Americans Are Descended From - Igbo/Yoruba Tribes

    Good to research into this....don't stay lost forever ...:mjpls: Igbo Americans, or Americans of Igbo ancestry, (Igbo: Igbo nke Amerika) are citizens of the United States who can claim whole or significant ancestry from the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria.The vast majority of Igbo Americans...
  11. Medicate

    Black People And Capitalism DON'T Mix

    You know the sister's video I'm going to post will go more in depth also. But its a clear cut explanation imo. We don't mix with Capitalism, it is a slave system set up off of slavery and basically is slavery by another name. Capitalism's cover story is that it is a social system based on the...