recurring dreams

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    Dreams and what they mean

    I've been having recurring dreams lately about my old home. The most recent one I'm in the kitchen and I'm going through the pantry looking for something. Meanwhile my mom's talking to me and my grandmother, who has been gone for a while now, is listening in from the dining room/den. Mom dukes...
  2. BelieveBeOK

    Reccuring dream about writing an exam/final paper

    Do you guys ever have this dream? :sadcam: I have it so many times and without fail, in the dream, I always realise the day before the test that I need to take it the next morning and that I have not studied a single chapter until that point. I think anybody that studied a tough degree will...
  3. BelieveBeOK

    Dreams about an exam/final test the next day?

    Do you guys ever have this dream? :sadcam: I have it so many times and without fail, I always realise the day before the test that I need to take it the next morning and that I have not studied a single chapter until that point. I think anybody that studied a tough degree will know that there...