record pool

  1. get these nets

    Hip hop legend Chief Rocker Busy Bee podcast interview

    FULL INTERVIEW: The beginning of HIP HOP, his battle with Kool Moe Dee,Traveling the world & mre Tha O-Pressure Point. 🎙 PODCAST 🎙 Aug 17, 2024 The legendary hip hop emcee Busy Bee talks about the forefathers of hip hop, who coined the term hip-hop , some his early influences and...
  2. get these nets

    The history of the Loud Speakers Network : The Podfathers of Hip Hop

    * From 2017
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    The Chronicles of DOOM: Unraveling Rap's Masked Iconoclast [audio book preview]

    1hr 25 minute Google audio book preview
  4. get these nets

    dream hampton releases doc. about the Golden Era/ early years of Source magazine

    June 13, 2024
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    Ralph McDaniels on Hip Hop style, fashions, and entrepreneurs

    Ralph McDaniels on Phat Fashions, Video Music Box, and the Hip Hop Entrepreneur | Hip Hop Symposium Mar 15, 2024 Ralph McDaniels joins Elena Romero in conversation to discuss “Style and Sounds: Phat Fashions, Video Music Box, and the Hip Hop Entrepreneur” at The Museum at FIT fashion symposium...
  6. get these nets

    Unsung episode : The Hip Hop DJ to air

  7. get these nets

    Early hip hop artist and singing/rapping pioneer Sweet G inducted into Nat. HipHop Museum

    Awareness: Former Richland County Deputy inducted into National Hip Hop Museum Apr. 26, 2024 COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - A Columbia man who is a hip-hop legend has received national recognition for his contributions to hip-hop. Billie Jean Shaw introduces...
  8. get these nets

    Uncle Jamm's Army | The pioneers of modern Los Angeles music scene

    *17 minutes long Uncle Jamm's Army: Pioneers of the Modern Party | Red Bull Music Academy 2017, Oct 27 At the birth of hip-hop and electro in Los Angeles, Uncle Jamm’s Army started out playing high school parties in the mid-70s, and went on to become LA’s most popular dance promoters for over...
  9. get these nets

    Apollo in Conversation series : The Juice Crew Records Showcase 1988

    The Apollo Celebrates 35th Anniversary of Cold Chillin’ Juice Crew All-Stars Showcase with Tyrone “Fly Ty” Williams, Ralph McDaniels and Ant Marshall Nov 20, 2023 What On Monday, November 20, The Apollo will mark the 35th anniversary of the historic 1988 Cold Chillin’ Juice Crew...
  10. get these nets

    Street, Club, and Hip Hop Dance pioneers Oral History project | The New York Public Library

    *cued to panel introductions @ 9:30 We Out Here: Street Dance Oral Histories & Hip-Hop Culture New York Public Library for the Performing Arts Mar 7, 2024 BRUNO WALTER AUDITORIUM In this panel discussion with hip-hop dance innovators, the Jerome Robbins Dance Division...
  11. get these nets

    Fans/historians of original school Hip Hop, which pioneer is biting here?

    Rap City 2002 -Grandmaster Caz ====================== Let's Talk Hip Hop podcast 2019 -DJ Hollywood Going through archives, and peeped that its the same routine
  12. get these nets

    High Bias : The Distorted History of the Cassette Tape (book excerpt)

    released Oct 2023 Book excerpt covering early hip hop & other genres
  13. get these nets

    45 years ago, The Fatback Band released the first rap record, King Tim III (Personality Jock)

    March 1979 *interview of the band from last year in The Guardian
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    'Conzo: A Look Back at The Bronx, 1977-84' exhibit at the Bronx Documentary Center
  15. get these nets

    How Ralph kept the history of Hip Hop alive [That Moment with Daymond John podcast]

    *video snippet, the full audio of the podcast is in post #2 Everybody got their start from Ralph co-signing them.
  16. get these nets

    "In Our DNA: Hip House" docu-series premieres

    *interview from the premier *trailer
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    Revisiting an exhibit about Def Jam's first year, as they mark 40th anniversary

    *Exhibit was released to mark their 30th anniversary in 2014