real life inspiration

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    11 year old kid saves classmate from choking and rescues old lady from a burning house

    Kid was like
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    "I just saved Walmart! Can I get an application?"

    New Jersey man puts out fire inside Walmart, wants job in return 8h A man in Cherry Hill, NJ filmed himself putting out a fire in Walmart yesterday. The man, who has yet been identified, posted the video to his personal Instagram. Clad in a mask, he saw the fire and grabbed a...
  3. SirReginald

    SPIN: Post A Pic Of A Real Life Person Closest To Your IRL Personality

    I'll start, MLK represented hope and prosperity within the U.S. Especially, with Black Americans. He made me care about people and the underprivileged. I really fell in love with MLK's philosophy when I went to Alabama in 2010. Another I will say is Malcolm X. He made the Black man...