
  1. King Static X

    Former TX Lt. Gov. admits to 1980 GOP plot to sabotage Jimmy Carter during Iran hostage crisis

  2. JadeB

    How did Reagan won in a landslide in 1984, when 91% of Black people voted for Mondale?

    We had around the same percentage then as now: 14% of the US population. And turnout was around 60%, so how did Reagan carried literally every state/region except for Minnesota and DC???:mindblown:. It should've left a decent sized dent but Reagan literally had this:
  3. FAH1223

    The Past 5 GOP Presidents Have Used Fraud and Treason to Steer Themselves to Electoral Victory

    People are wondering out loud about the parallels between today’s Republican Party and organized crime, and whether “Teflon Don” Trump will remain unscathed through his many scandals, ranging from interactions with foreign oligarchs to killing tens of thousands of Americans by denying them...