rate this artist

  1. Hathaway

    Rate This Artist - 2 - Chris Brown

    Aiight the 1st thread was a good turnout. With 123 votes for a 10 and 1 vote for a 7, Michael Jackson scored a 9.975. Good way to kick off the series for the goat. Next up, we have Mr. Controversy himself, Chris mf Breezy. We'll be voting on artistry and all that entails: Live Vocals Stage...
  2. Hathaway

    Rate This Artist - Michael Jackson

    So I seen this shyt done on here before and thought it would be a cool idea to get it going again. If I can get this thread to pop off, I'll make this a series. It'll be good discussion for the real music heads and nice break away from the usual content in TLR. And no I don't wanna do this shyt...