
  1. LightSkinYeshua

    Got sexually harassed by an Indian last night

    Mannnnn I am not feeling safe in these streets anymore :mjcry: I'm coming from the gym after leg and arm day, feeling nice. I get on the Myron (Coli discord) listening to a nikka have a breakdown after doing crack. Out of nowhere, some random indian dude came running behind me. Im in Brooklyn...
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    "I denigrate them to protect them" appropriate adaptation and post traumatic slave syndrome

    Dr. Joyce DeGruy discusses post traumatic slave syndrome and how it affects us til this very day. Even when we don't realize it.
  3. Jimi Swagger

    How Black Millennials Are Shattering Mental Health Stereotypes

    Unlike earlier generations, the influential demographic doesn't view mental illness as a sign of weakness. The rebellious streak many children are born with has stayed with one increasingly influential demographic through young adulthood, as Black millennials have embraced the topic of mental...
  4. P

    Ugly Gang, why do y'all feel ugly???

    A lot of us aren't really ugly, but we feel like we are. Sometimes it comes off as attention whoring, but no one cares to understand why you feel how you do. I personally feel ugly sometimes because of constant rejection and being told that other women look better than me. Why do y'all feel ugly?