ps4 exclusive

  1. KamikazePilot

    Just bought a PS4

    I got infamous second son, Final Fantasy XV and Injustice gods among us Any suggestions for games to get?
  2. Leasy

    PC Exclusives surpassed consoles completely

    I think it is time to reeva;uate the gaming industry as these consoles exclusives has honestly been garbage since Last of Us. Examples: Grip Civilization VI LifeLock Buy Livelock from the Humble Store Urban Empire Out Of Park Baseball (Just pick this up off of steam anybody interested...
  3. Kamikaze Revy

    NieR Automata OT [PS4 | PC| XB1] NieRly had another exclusive

    2B (voiced by Yui Ishikawa) Official Name: YoRHa No. 2, Model B, “2B” A blade of quiet determination. 2B is an all-purpose battle android, deployed as a member of the automated infantry squad, YoRHa. She is equipped with a sword for close quarters combat, and can attack from range using the...