
  1. R

    How has 2022 been to you so far?

    Was able to pay all the bills and shyt I was behind on :blessed: Got 3 chocolate breezys on my phone :blessed: They average to 6 at best but I’m happy :blessed: I been sick af for the last two days, luckily my off days. I did get tested for rona today. Get results tmrw and I’m off the schedule...
  2. Leao2005

    According to CDC, homicide is the leading cause of death for non Hispanics blacks 1-44 years old.

    number 2 is unintentional injuries and number 3 is suicide for (1-19 years old). What can we do to change this. Source: From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2017
  3. Rhapscallion Démone

    The Colis favorite Rhinestone Cowboy appears to still be recieving alot of love

  4. Black Panther

    Elections Matter: St. Louis County Will Stop Prosecuting MJ Possession Under 100 Grams

    St. Louis County Will Stop Prosecuting Marijuana Possession Under 100 Grams This is the breh who replaced Bob McCullough, the County Prosecutor who refused to indict the cop who shot Mike Brown in Ferguson. :leon: McCullough was ousted and replaced by Wesley Bell because...Black people VOTED...
  5. My Name Is My Naaame

    My mama finally got clean yall..for good this time..i think.AMA

    Im so damn proud of her:mjcry: It's a good life:blessed:
  6. Neuromancer

    It's May. How is everyone progressing?

    About to be work on a new comic project and start a podcast as well as do some mentoring. I hope everyone is driving forward.:blessed:
  7. Superkick Party

    WrestleMania Axxess showcase with NXT, 205 Live, PROGRESS & ICW

    WrestleMania Axxess matches to feature Superstars from NXT, 205 Live, the U.K. Championship Tournament, PROGRESS and Insane Championship Wrestling Live, in-ring action is an annual tradition of WrestleMania Axxess, but this year’s fan celebration features an even more exciting and diverse...
  8. The M.I.C.

    1926 News Article About Progress Of Blacks Since End Of Slavery
