presidential election 2016

  1. J

    I don't understand why Democrats and Liberals are upset...

    After yesterday hearing what people had to say, I'm sick of the excuses and finger pointing. I've heard Democrats and Liberals blaming third party voters, lack of voters, young people, Black People, etc. No no, the ones who supported Hillary since the primaries BLAME YOURSELVES. Honestly I...
  2. richaveli83

    Can someone please explain to me the Clinton email controversy

    First I want to say I don't support either Clinton or Trump. What exactly is the issue with the emails? This has been all over the news but I really don't understand it. @Mephistopheles @ThreeLetterAgency @JudgeJoeGorilla or anyone can you enlighten me on this?
  3. kingofnyc

    according to RCP 'real clear politics' -Hillary has over 270 threshold

    note: all polls have a 3 to 4 point margin of error every average state poll with Hillary at +8 or more : totals in 272 electoral votes she dosnt even need to win ANY toss up states RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House :ufdup:#trumpset
  4. Professor Emeritus

    So Trump being financially supported by Putin's people really is a thing

    I thought that Trump and Putin just liked each other because they're both authoritarian and Putin thinks he can maneuver Trump like a puppet. Turns out it goes way deeper than that US president could be a guy who is THAT closely connected to the former KGB agent now ruling as dictator of...