president of black america

  1. SirReginald

    The Black Community Has Some DEEP SOUL SEARCHING To DO

    I told some coli brehs yesterday that I was going to make this thread. It's mainly a call to action thread of some sorts :manny: Listen, we as a Black or AA Community (myself included) have to use better logic. Take this past election for example. We had MANY people tapdance for Hillary...
  2. SirReginald

    SPIN Coli Topic: Could "YOU" Ever See Yourself Running A Political Campaign?

    As you guys know, once I get back on my feet and get my name in the community organizing circuit I will run for local office :jawalrus: My goal would to try to make it as a U.S. Senate. That's just something to give back and not career :manny: My career would be a skillset in electrical work...
  3. SirReginald

    What Would YOU Do As President? (Like, What Laws Would You Put In Place?)

    As President, I would hold cops accountable for their actions. Also, I would have corporations pay their fair share in taxes. LAST OF ALL......................
  4. SirReginald

    BARBERSHOP TALK: Who Should Be The President Of Black America?

    No Bullshyt, we need a true representative of Black America that all Black folk look up to :manny: People had false hope with Obama that was never there :snoop: Because he was for America as a whole. Just because he's Mulatto doesn't mean he was gonna devote his time to the Black...