
  1. M

    NEW: Azie on Alpo Killing Rich Porter over 300k, Not Telling On Rich & Alpo

    Dammit, I wish Azie did this interview with anybody but Vlad-- nikka takes a 30 minute interview & eats off it for 4 yrs-- Anyway, I could listen to Azie tell stories all day... BONUS: Parts 1,2,3 & 4
  2. M

    Alpo Killed Rich OVer 30 Birds He Was Given to Pay Ransom for His Brother

    :mjcry:Sad shyt hearing it from him mane...Alpo was a real snake :pacspit: I wish THIS guy had a podcast- Feel like I could sit all day & jus let him tell his stories from tha 80's and 90s :blessed:
  3. King P

    Bounced back from a car crash, hopefully the fight isn't a trainwreck: Thurman/Porter June 25 thread

    Fight's back on in a better location too (definitely gonna be there) :blessed: We've been waiting too long for this great fight, although the ring rust between the 2 may have these nikkas looking :flabbynsick: Either way #Thurminators is back, and we're ready to make :porter: go night night...