political manipulation

  1. CopiousX

    Does anybody else get annoyed with Congress "debt limits"? This shyt is silly

    We have grown adults in their 70s, 80s, and 90s basically wasting everyone's time by doing this on the house floor all day..... I find myself not even caring anymore. i feel for the federal employees and contractors tho who gotta have periodic heartattacks every 2 years when the govt...
  2. B

    Trolls in Slovakian Election Tap AI Deepfakes to Spread Disinfo

    https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-29/trolls-in-slovakian-election-tap-ai-deepfakes-to-spread-disinfo Trolls in Slovakian Election Tap AI Deepfakes to Spread Disinfo One such video features a two-minute-long conversation in which the leader of the progressive party, Michal...
  3. B

    Mexico: outrage as Amlo suggests critics guilty of ‘gender-based violence’ against him

    https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/mexico-outrage-as-amlo-suggests-critics-guilty-of-gender-based-violence-against-him/ar-AA1f1L1B Mexico: outrage as Amlo suggests critics guilty of ‘gender-based violence’ against him Story by Oscar Lopez in Mexico City •9h Photograph: Luis...