
  1. timeless

    Look up at the sky tonight!

    There's four planets visible to the naked eye, PLUS the conjunction of two of them! You can find Jupiter, white and bright, in the east above Orion and towards the left of him you can see Mars, which is easy to identify due to the red light. Then towards the west you can see Venus and Saturn...
  2. 2Quik4UHoes

    The Official HL Astronomy thread

    I’m actually kinda surprised there isn’t a thread dedicated to the study of the world outside our world. I learned under a NASA astronomer when I was a kid so I always had the space geek bug in me. More importantly tho, space exploration helped to advance us very rapidly. If the military budget...
  3. MischievousMonkey

    Michel Mayor, Nobel Winner in Physics: "Humans will not migrate to exoplanets"
  4. Rhapscallion Démone

    Your Numerology chart vs Your Natal Chart

    Does your Natal and Numerology chart backup one another or do they contradict each other? Here's mine, I'm just sun, moon and rising sign's for astrology. Numerology You By Your Numbers @Lady.Libra. @LightSkinYeshua @Boujee...
  5. Milk

    Star system has record eight exoplanets

    Artwork: The Kepler telescope was launched to detect new worlds using the "transit method" It's the largest number of worlds ever discovered in a planetary system outside our own. The star known as Kepler-90, is just a bit hotter and larger than the Sun; astronomers already knew of seven...