
  1. Bart simpson

    ¡¿Smash or Pass!? But there's a catch....

    I saw this a thought it would be interesting to see if the Coli would smash?
  2. Bart simpson

    **Butterface Alert!** Her face could lift a truck!!! Hardbody Butterfaces!!!

    Test ur might by Bart simpson posted Feb 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM Edit: body is in the spoiler and the faces are a spoiler in the body pic... All decisions are final so choose wisely... Type A [/SPOILER] Type B [/SPOILER] Type C [/SPOILER]
  3. Bart simpson

    PULLOUT FOR WHAT?! Butterface smash or pass vol.10

    Test ur might by Bart simpson posted Feb 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM Let's do this... Face like a Kia Body like a Cadillac.. Bodies in the spoiler Faces or in the spoilers of the pic of the body... [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
  4. Bart simpson

    Slop this BUTTERFACE w/ a biscuit vol.9

    Test ur might by Bart simpson posted Feb 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM Let's do this... Face like a Kia Body like a Cadillac.. Bodies in the spoiler Faces or in the spoilers of the pic of the body... [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
  5. Bart simpson

    Test your might! Smash or Pass Butterface Dem Tiddays EDITION!!!

    Test ur might by Bart simpson posted Feb 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM Let's do this... Face like a Kia Body like a Cadillac.. Bodies in the spoiler Faces or in the spoilers of the pic of the body... [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
  6. Bart simpson

    Who was the smash or pass brehettes on the Coli

    Since I've been on here the brehettes been either defunct, ran off or fake. :mjcry: So I gotta ask who was the brehettes you would shoot your shot with? :wow:
  7. Bart simpson

    Smash or Pass Butterface vol.5 I think I really done it this time!!!

    Test ur might by Bart simpson posted Feb 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM Let's do this... Face like a Kia Body like a Cadillac.. Bodies in the spoiler Faces or in the spoilers of the pic of the body... [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] :dame::dame: :dame: :dame: :dame: :hubie...
  8. Bart simpson

    Test your might! Smash or Pass Butterface vol.4

    Test ur might by Bart simpson posted Feb 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM Let's do this... Face like a Kia Body like a Cadillac.. Bodies in the spoiler Faces or in the spoilers of the pic of the body... [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
  9. Bart simpson

    ¡¡Smash or Pass Butterface edition vol.3 The reckoning... This time its ALL real!!

    Let's do rock... Face like a Kia Body like a Cadillac.. Bodies in the spoiler Faces or in the spoilers of the pic of the body... Sidenote: All Butterfaces will be ACTUAL Butterfaces :ufdup: [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
  10. Bart simpson

    Test your might! Smash or Pass Butterface edition 2

    Test ur might by Bart simpson posted Feb 12, 2018 at 7:55 PM Let's do this... Face like a Kia Body like a Cadillac.. Bodies in the spoiler Faces or in the spoilers of the pic of the body... [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]
  11. Bart simpson

    To the JBO breh Would smash or pass out of this world booty?

    If she beamed in to your bedroom and started twerking would you smash?
  12. Bart simpson

    Is the Coli knocking the dust off this fit thotma

    She's a fit 50 thot grandma
  13. HopeKillCure

    What Just Happened on the Jumbotron

  14. Dominic Decoco

    G unit Radio 1-25.

    I need a blessing. Whose praying for me? :feedme: @Morose Polymath @IronFist
  15. Bart simpson

    Yall smash this bbw palg

    Phat a$$ latin girl...
  16. Bart simpson

    What yall think about this model type?

    Thought? :jbhmm:
  17. Bart simpson

    Smash or pass this strong armed booty

    Hulk smash or Nah...
  18. SmokyQuartz

    I Got My G.E.D Free daps n reps

    I passed all four test In the first try too brehs, now on to community college to further indoctrinate myself in the white mans education system :blessed: @King Musa I got a 161 on that English test tho say something bout my spelling again :troll:
  19. ReasonableMatic

    SMACK/URL presents: Pass vs Brizz Rawsteen

    :blessed: Let's get straight to the muthafukkin BODYBAG!!! (Tec 9 voice) EDIT: Vintage Brizz, he's goin off:whoo:
  20. -DMP-

    [NEWS] PS VUE adds NFL network to select packcages; can add NFL REDZONE for 39.99 PER YEAR.

    NFL Network Launches on PS Vue; NFL RedZone Season Pass Available psvue making moves :leon: