parasitic capitalism

  1. Medicate

    Predatory Capitalism: High-Interest Mortgage Based on Race, As Racist Lenders Target AA Community

    Study: Blacks at a 54% Greater Risk of Having High-Interest Mortgage Based on Race, As Certain Lenders Target Community for Predatory Capitalism - Atlanta Blackstar The scope of the problem of race-based mortgage discrimination against the Black community is well documented, and certainly an...
  2. Medicate

    Slavery Of 2016 - Overworked and Under Paid: Why Is This The Reality for So Many Black People?

    Capitalism 101 - Worked to death with little to no rewards, except for bad health and death.....sounds familiar huh? :coffee: Overworked and Under Paid: Why Is This a Reality for So Many Black People? - Atlanta Blackstar Why does money seem to disappear shortly after you’ve been paid? When...
  3. Medicate

    Dr. Ben Correcting White Lies Throughout History

  4. Medicate

    Black Unemployment Rate Remains More Than Double Whites While National Number Drops

    When the devils don't even want you as slaves for their "labor" force...... then you know we late on Black Power and Black survival....... Here's the so so "politically correct" article...I just politically incorrected what the sister couldn't say^^^......:francis: ^^Thats disgusting, and...