pac didn’t die for this

  1. HopeKillCure

    Spin: 2Pac was disgusted by you Cac

    Shut up fakkit. Get your mom off meth and stop quoting pac like some corny wigger. It’s your people that had this man facing all kinds of false charges and problems. You think because you listen to a couple of his albums, while bobbing you head like a idiot, you can lecture people on pac? Pac...
  2. HopeKillCure

    Spin: Petition to Have a Coli Members Name Changed

    Too early in the morning for this nikkah @Bossman to be committing such a farce My boss approached me this morning “My Boss approached me this morning” :Scust50: What kind of boss man is this:dame: Can we get this nikkahs name changed @Brooklynzson @cook