
  1. SirReginald

    Is Witchcraft/Wicca Just A WHITEWASHED Version Of Our Traditional African Religions?

    If you think about it some of those customs come from our belief systems. Especially, the alter call which comes from Ifa. I've been thinking about dabbling into more of ancestor worship. Maybe, that would help ease my pain abit. Anyway, do you see the connect with it? However, I feel that...
  2. Guvnor

    The African Traditional And Diasporic Religions Thread (Santeria, IFA, 21 Divisions, Sanse + etc)

    Anybody here into this kind of topic, if so let's build! I myself am interested in Santeria or Regla De Ocha though I am not an initiate at all to keep it real and grew up in a family with a Christian background. With that said, I really would like to hear everyone's experience with this kind...