
  1. M

    On the 3rd day of my water fast(last night) and damn i felt amazing

    I woke up randomly very early in the am and it felt like I just had a rush of THC hit my body I felt immaculate. I'm at my job on hard any one of these bytches press up on my im nutting I ain't never felt better in my life. That time you had sex with a bytch(whether once or multiple times) and...
  2. Antwon Mitchell

    Brehs and Brehettes...True or False: Sex feels better and more intensed with a semi-full bladder? #Poll.

    I was having sex with my girl a few nights ago and before we started I had to piss really bad but I held it in and noticed that the sex felt more intense :ohhh: felt my heart racing and could feel my juices building up šŸš€ which made it even more intense since I holding my piss :wow: and by the...
  3. facemask

    Can Only Orgasm from the Ass? [Confirmed Valid, Coli Loses... Again]

    Serious question. Anyone know why my new squeeze is like this? Her p*ssy fuego, she creams and all that but can never bust that lady nut. Her a**hole though? Three or four times. I was legitimately shocked. Can someone help me understand why this is? :huh: