
  1. SAINT

    Bron Bron in Surgery feeling himself

    Those ant legs got LeTop20 head looking crispy :ohlawd:
  2. InfamousThoro

    Is there a way to invite more than 5 members to a conversation?

    See the problem with the picture above? I can only invite 5 Mobb brehs to a conversation. Clearly there are more. So basically, is there an option to be able to invite let's say about 20 - 30 peoples? @mobbinfms @shopant @TheDarceKnight @Walter H White @Xtz23
  3. Klyk21

    Black men.....Black men....This is our last warning....

    .....Black women are good brehs. They have jobs and overwhelmingly care only about being independent. That is not our problem right now. Our problem is us. We HAVE to get to a higher level in this country. We are the laughing stock of the men out here. Find SOMETHING.....anything and become an...
  4. Klyk21

    Sign your mortgage papers and see "white only residents" brehs

    Couple outraged over neighborhood’s “whites only” rule :beli: