news aint shyt

  1. SirReginald

    Oh My GOD!!: Giant Rat EATS 3 Month Old Baby ALIVE :damn:

    Holy shyt :damn: P.S. mothers, be there and watch ya damn kids :snoop: UPDATE: I'm being told it's a hoax. IDK if it is yet, if so then, mods BUSH the thread. However, my thoughts still ring true. I got it from here with the news link. Jesus take the wheel!!! Giant rat eats 3-month old...
  2. SheWantTheD

    'Super Bacteria' Found in Rio, Brazil (LOL News Ain't Shyt) :Mjlol:

    This is exactly why I don't watch nor read the news, because they constantly churn out bullshyt fear propaganda like this! A new 'super' bacteria, what it got super powers? Is it gonna give me super powers if I get infected by it? :comeon: Like seriously, why are they hiring these morons to...