
  1. Low End Derrick

    An All But Definitive Guide to the Hollywood Nepo-Verse

    An All But Definitive Guide to the Hollywood Nepo-Verse Actors, singers, directors who just happen to be the children of actors, singers, directors. Some choice selections:
  2. Skrilla

    Black people: NEPOTISM is NOT BAD. Stop hating on it, and start doing it for YOUR kids.

    Yeah, yeah, i know not ALL of us hate on nepotism, but many do. I'm not the only one who noticed this either because other threads have been made about it in the past: Why is nepotism frowned upon in the Black community? Nepotism - the practice among those with power or influence of favoring...
  3. DrX

    If a white guy makes less than 100k in America, chances is, hes probably a loser

    Sometimes I drive through the white side of town after I come back from the lake and I always white dudes walking around aimlessly and I'm like damn, If you're white in america, you're supposed to be winning easily. They nepotism on their side, connections and if you're poor and white, u can...
  4. luckyse7enz

    What's the biggest song to ever come from hip-hop nepotism?

    I was randomly talking with my friend about celebrity kids and we were trying to debate who the most successful products of modern industry nepotism were. (I figure Miley Cyrus has to be up there.) It made me try to recall what the best song by the child or relative of a hip-hop artist might...