negative energy

  1. Kool Ted

    Suggestion on not let peoples negativity enengy get to me. ((Read))

    Wuzup people of The Coli, a question? How can you not let other negativity of family members get to me. Like for instance my unc dap me but said that im a "punk ass" in a slicc way( After Him and my mom and me went out to eat after the funeral { A dued that me and mom know that passed on...
  2. SirReginald

    I Don't Know Why Dudes Brag About How Many Girls They Smashed...................

    because don't you know that many chicks who are super promiscious have negative energy :francis: This is just common sense. Yes, I've had relationships that haven't involved sex (I'm a semi Virgin). However, just think of destructive relationships that some of us have with women, men, or...