negative affects

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    Widespread and Pervasive Tropes and Stereotypes of Black people still used in media today

    So me and a friend were having a discussion about how we were and still are depicted in the media based off old stereotypes and tropes that have been historically used to demean and dehumanize us. She sent me a post from her blog that had this to say on the matter of how black women are being...
  2. SirReginald

    The TV News Is Mostly Negative (It's ALWAYS About Killing, Corruption, and Poverty)

    Back in the day (40's -60's) you would see some news stories on how someone saved kids from a burning fire or saving a cat. Now, besides one or two positive stories you always hear something negative :snoop: In some ways, I think there is an agenda behind it. I'm not saying it's not...
  3. SheWantTheD

    How Do Y'all Do It?

    Have casual sex with random people? Especially having sex with someone you may never see again and all you know about them is their first name(if they didn't lie to you). I can understand the thrill of meeting someone at the store, club, or whatever.. exchange numbers and smash that same night...