
  1. MollyGalaga

    I never noticed this in “The Black Knight” did you?

    :hubie: I aint tryna start something, I just think it’s interesting. You can clearly hear an “M”
  2. M

    Did you ever had a dime co worker? How was it?

  3. Dzali OG

    Just so we're clear on what and who the Moors are

    A Moor was a educated African/black man.
  4. Mjpls Fez

    Mjpls Fez

  5. Jimi Swagger

    Tudor, English and black – and not a slave in sight

    Black musicians in a Portuguese painting of The Engagement of St Ursula and Prince Etherius, c 1520. Photograph: Within moments of meeting historian Miranda Kaufmann, I learn not to make flippant assumptions about race and history. Here we are in Moorgate, I say. Is it...
  6. MostReal

    Has anyone seen The Long Ships (Moors)

    It is said that Sidney Poitier plays a 'Dragon' Moor (aggressive, war like leader) and the symbolism in this film gives insight to plenty of hollywood films such as LOTR and The Dragonslayer and even Game of Thrones somewhat. supposedly the Dragon represents the blackman or Moor and their...