
  1. I

    Monument of Mounted Black Man in Dreads to be Moved to the Capital of the Confederacy

    He looks like a man lost in time, uprooted,with the horse he rode in on, from a previous century, perhaps, or was it a future one? In a riot of flashing neon signs and costumed avengers, populating a patch of Times Square on Broadway between 46th and 47th Streets, he can be seen looking regal...
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    New monument to African Americans would join the Confederate statues at the Raleigh NC Capitol

    New monument to African Americans would join the Confederate statues at the Capitol BY DAWN BAUMGARTNER VAUGHAN JULY 16, 2019 01:15 PM RALEIGH Schoolchildren are the most frequent visitors to the state Capitol grounds in downtown Raleigh, and so they are the target audience for a planned...
  3. Jimi Swagger

    Memphis remains divided over legacy of the Confederacy

    The controversial statue in Memphis, Tennessee, of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a civil war general who was also an early member of the Ku Klux Klan. Photograph: Suzanne Lynch In the sixth part of her series “Coast to Coast: Travels in Trump’s America”, Washington Correspondent Suzanne Lynch...