mo money mo problems

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    Is Money the only way to Tithe/Give Offering

    Would it be frowned upon if someone brought in the first born of their cats litter to be sacrificed, frankincense or Myrrh? If someone baked a 3 layer cake and put it at the alter would they be turned away?:camby: If someone devoted their time to helping in the community as offering, would that...
  2. Rhapscallion Démone

    God is the greatest of all time troll

    Like once we find the answers to one question, more will take their place. Like we know that water is wet and it's made up of 2 elements of hydrogen and 1 element of oxygen but if we try to solve earths water shortage with science we'd probably blow ourselves up. Hydrogen is flammable and Oxygen...
  3. Rhapscallion Démone

    Your Coworkers are planning a mass call out on payday

    But you used up all your PTO time :sadcam:. What you gonna do? You gonna back the crew or do what's best for you?