If America is already turning against it real allies in the EU + Canada and is about to throw Ukraine to the wolves, where does this leave a place like Taiwan which is 110% dependent upon American defense? :patrice:
I'm pretty sure that if Xi decided to take Taiwan tomorrow morning, Trump...
In light of recent ongoing events, how do ya'll think it'll take until the american military orchestrates a coup because of all the foreign powers control over US politics and policy?
examples of policy changes that could spur protest...
So let me get this straight. :patrice:
These two were doing a bombing run against a group of terrorists that don't have their own air force, and
who Are all stuck on the ground. But somehow, the support team gives friendly fire to the only other airplanes in the sky? :skip:
The houthis...
@Suge Shot Me
So here is another data exercise---which counties have the highest and lowest marriage proportions for Black folks. There is an alternate way to calculate this using birth and census data rather than just raw census data. If you look at fertility, the proportion of kiddos born in...
Basically not the draft but a mandatory military service stint like Israel, South Korea, and Taiwan.
All high schoolers would be required to take the military standardized test the ASVAB.
The complexity and sophistication level at which these countries have been arming themselves is jaw dropping. If you were to be a ground troop in this you are being sent to slaughter. They repeatedly highlight China catching up technology-wise, but I can't imagine the US being idle this whole...
No one really mentions this group but-ROTC Girls,
IYKYK :myman: :noah: :mjgrin::steviej:
I did 2 years of ROTC in high school and all I can say is that I served my country well
Months of repeated allegations of harassment, physical assault and retaliation levied by Army Sgt. Jewell Scott against officials on the Fort Hood Army Base near Killeen, Texas, reached a boiling point this week, as Scott posted videos to her personal social media saying she feared for her life...
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German Chancellor Olaf Schulz's decision to more than double the funding for his country's military has caught not only Europeans, but also Germans by surprise. The country's reckoning with its own history has, for decades, prevented it from...
Is it easy for u guys to bond with people u recently met? When u were in college, joined the army or the workforce was it easy for you to befriend colleagues or are u the type person that can keep things business strictly all the time?
I remember a several years ago there was a news report on street gangs joining the military and there being graffiti from gang seen on Milktary bases as well as in countries where the military was stationed and fighting in such as Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries. But for those of you...
One of my co-workers (20) decided he wanted to go on another deployment (we just got back from a 9 month deployment earlier this year) to make some more money to pay off his and his wife's loans. It was about a 4 month gap between the next deployment and the one we just got out of. No problems...
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