
  1. Dre God

    Late 80’s brehs with leftover energy from your 20’s…

    Take advantage of that shyt, ever since I realized like 3-4 years ago that I had so much more energy than most other men in their 30’s I been locked in. Take your workouts to the next level. Curate a morning and night skin routine. Implement some kind of daily prayer/rituals into your routine...
  2. SirReginald

    Do You Believe There's Some Truth In All Religions?

    For instance; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have truth to it. I personally believe while Jesus/Yeshua may have existed that he wasn't G-d. Just a master Rabbi. However, do you believe all religions can lead to g-d or have truths to it? Excluding Satanism and spinoff hodgepodge like...
  3. Busted_Toes

    Meditation is fukking difficult

    My mind is an orchestra of chaos, constant thoughts upon thoughts that is killing my productivity. Tried to do meditation but this shyt doesn't work :heh: boring as hell and feels pointless. All these audible books and self help gurus are recommended it though.... Porn is more relaxing than...
  4. you're NOT "n!ggas"

    Urging ALL my brehs no matter where you are in life to PLEASE MEDITATE. Conquer & prevent depression

    Making this thread cuz I'm concerned with how many of y'all are depressed and crying out on here :to: meditation really does work. It's a least worth a try, I'll share my own story: 2010-2011 was rock bottom for me :wow: I didn't wanna kill myself but I definitely wanted to die and would wish...
  5. N

    New Age Ish: Psychics, Manifestations, Meditation, Tarots...

  6. S

    Every single person on this site needs to start learning how to meditate ASAP. I will explain why

    Meditation is the key to happiness in life. It will give you the ability to be in direct control of your mind and body. But this isn't some spiritual thing. THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT. thought meditation was some religious shyt that only buddhists did as a form of worship. UNTIL I took a bunch...