medical apartheid

  1. the elastic

    Skin color causes flaw in medical equipment, incorrect readings due to faulty design
  2. the elastic

    Skin color causes flaw in medical equipment, incorrect readings due to faulty design
  3. CopiousX

    The Henrietta lacks hospital EXPERIMENTING on black people again.

    So Johns Hopkins did a colonoscopy experiment that suspiciously targeted black people with unqualified health workers instead of board certified gastroenterologists. In a hospital system that has 20%-30% black admittance rates, 75% of expiremnt subjects were black.:francis: This story has the...
  4. Jimi Swagger

    The Gross Inequality of Organ Transplants in America

    There’s a nationwide organ shortage, but how long patients wait for a transplant can depend on how much money they have. BY JORDAN MICHAEL SMITH November 8, 2017 Lisa Waters was 25 years old when, one day in 1995, she couldn’t raise her right arm without pain in her shoulder. Blood tests...