
  1. Sleepy Floyd

    Trust Latinas, brehs

  2. valet

    BBW does "out of control teen" Maury guest impersonation

    Big gurl does it perfect
  3. ajnapoleon

    "Here is a DNA test and the little girl not mimes uave 30 days to get out"

    I would do the same :yeshrug:
  4. King Static X

    Somebody gave Maury access to Tik Tok

    This man is 81 and doing this foolishness :russ: :laff:
  5. Rell Lauren

    Thousands of dads left in shock as DIY paternity test usage soars

    Mandate testing at birth. Long overdue. Mama's baby, Daddy's maybe.
  6. SirReginald

    Which Show Had The Best Fukkery? (Maury Or Jerry Springer)

    BOTH shows were great, but in the 90's had more of a serious approach. Jeryy started off as a Phil Donahue light until he changed his format. Maury was a former newscaster turned TV Host. Anyway, which had the better fukkery in your opinion?
  7. Tiffrock

    Cold blooded !!!!!!!!!!

    Maury-esque Misey: Soldier Finds Out Wife Sold Infant After Telling Him It Was Stillborn, Oh AND The Baby Wasn’t His!
  8. El Bajo Negro

    What does it mean if my birth certificate doesn't have a father listed on it?

    :lupe: I been hella confused about this for years My dad was with my mom in the hospital when I was born. But my birth certificate only has my mom's name on it This was in the 80s in Wisconsin, not sure if it matters. I asked my mom once when I was a teenager but she dodged the question. I...
  9. Maury laugh

    Maury laugh
