mass effect lore

  1. He Who Posts Well

    Official Mass Effect Discussion Thread - Um...happy N7 Day

    New video with everyone who had a part of the original trilogy talking about the game ------------- Come here to discuss one of the best RPGs of all time. I have been playing the PC game. I finished up part 2 and I am about 75% done with 3. . :whew: Also, post pictures of you Shepgawd or...
  2. Easy-E

    Decisions you've never made in multiple playthru's of the Mass Effect series (Spoilers)

    I've beaten each indivudual game like 20x and; I never pick Samara's daughter over her I always let Mortin cure the genophage Bonus I've only let the ppl in Zaaeed's DLC die to hunt down dude only once
  3. Archangel

    The Mass Effect series has the best story/lore in any game I've ever played

    Think about everything that goes on in this game. All of the different races and their history. Its mind blowing how Bioware has literally created an entire fictional universe with history that rivals Earths actual history. The Asari being the 1st to find the citadel and prothean/reaper...