love at first sight

  1. Charlie Hustle

    Exotic euro PAWG can't find love

    Despite Her Fame, Woman With 'World's Biggest Lips' Claims She Can't Find 'Love Of Her Life' A woman who spent £20,000 on the "world's biggest lips" claims she cannot find "the one," despite hundreds of internet followers offering to fly her to their home countries for trysts. Andrea Emilova...
  2. HopeKillCure

    Spin: It's Perfectly Alright to Get Roasted for Dating Interracially

    What's the problem? If anything it's like some Shakespeare's/Akon lyrics, nobody wanna see y'all together. It's y'all against the world.:russ: Ain't nobody gonna celebrate ya'll fetishes. Love is color blind right, so why you stressing over what some other people think...:stopitslime: Ya'll...
  3. HopeKillCure

    Sex Tourists and the Women Who Love Them for Money

    Sums up almost all of Latin America and Asia (minus maybe Japan and Singapore)
  4. HopeKillCure

    You Know The Relationship Is Over When You Have to Torture Her...

    Former Sheriff’s Deputy Accused of Torturing and Trying to Waterboard His Wife: Reports "Former Sheriff’s Deputy Accused of Torturing and Trying to Waterboard His Wife: A former West Virginia sheriff’s deputy allegedly sexually assaulted and tortured his wife for hours this weekend, cutting...
  5. HopeKillCure

    Post a picture of a non-black woman, then criticize it.

    Reading these threads and Thought i'd see how far this game would go on the Coli. 2 Steps: #1. Post a picture of a Non-black women. #2. Critique/ Criticize something about the picture
  6. SheWantTheD

    Ever Fell In Love At First Sight?

    Or seen a chick or dude (for the ladies) so bad that you was like "GOT DAMN, I gotta talk to her/him!". Wouldn't necessarily call it love at first sight but last fall about the second week of school. I was switching classes cause I wasn't supposed to take the ones I was registered for (just...