
  1. FBGPlank

    Gucci Mane Covers The Fader

    Read Full Story Here Gucci Free
  2. Larry Lobster

    These rap nikkas looking like anime characters nowadays

    :heh: shyt low key fire though :wow:
  3. Larry Lobster

    What happened with Soulja Boy?? Looking 40 years old

  4. Ethnic Vagina Finder

    Everytime I see pictures of beautiful women in African countries with manute bol looking breh's...

    All I can do is Why couldn't my ancestors have to get caught slipping. Now I'm stuck over here.
  5. Another Man

    Why are nikkas still looking at/sharing worldstar in 2016?

    It's BEEN known that this is a website that promotes mostly black fukkery, and is owned by cocksuckers who make it a point to make us look like shyt and cash out on it, and yall nikkas are STILL up in here posting links to their vids? The fukk? :wtf: Support and encourage white supremacy brehs.
  6. cKondomsucK6

    Chris Paul Finna End up Looking Worse Than McGrady.

    Guys a typical regular season star, i can never see him winning a title as the main player guy controls the whole offense and can't take over scoring on a regular basis 2 years in a row now gets injured in the playoffs never made it to one conference finals, even melo has:salute: made it...
  7. cKondomsucK6

    Chris Paul Finna End up Looking Worse Than McGrady.

    Guys a typical regular season star, i can never see him winning a title as the main player guy controls the whole offense and can't take over scoring on a regular basis 2 years in a row now gets injured in the playoffs never made it to one conference finals, even melo has:salute: made it...
  8. Detroit Red


    It's gonna be two of the drakes I hate..:stopitslime: Iyrtitl wattba "trap" new Atlanta drake :comeon: And Island Jamaican dancehall drake..:scust: I'm not a hater at all but I'm really worried about this album I think it's going to be his worst... We need more Tuscan leathers and 30 for...
  9. M

    She's Looking For A Man Would You Cuff?

    Would you?
  10. 7

    WWE's tag team roster is suddenly looking better than it has in years.

    Enzo and Cass The Vaudevillains Doc and Karl New Day The Usos The Dudley Boyz That's a solid crop, without even getting into the "part-time" tag teams like the Wyatt Family, the Social Outcasts, etc. And if Gargano and Ciampa get called up. :banderas: Y'all think this is a conscious effort...
  11. Womb Raider

    Your boy is about to start looking for his first car

    Tell me what I need to know as a 22 year old first time owner. I'm taking an EMT class this summer and I'll need a car for going between there, work and home. I'm going to apply for a $10k loan and hopefully I can find a nice Chevy Cruze, Mazda 3/6 or Ford Fusion.
  12. Leasy

    What is the best looking game this gen so far

    In your opinion what game has been the best so far? For me The Order Quantum Break Tomb Raider Ryse Until Dawn
  13. eyes


    Eyes looking right.