
  1. Ruck

    I cant help my ignorance

    I am a huge supporter of gay rights.... to an extent. But i cant stand lesbian relationships especially if both women are hot. If one the broads look like rosie odonnell, ellen or a biker butch - im cool with that. But for some dumb reason, seeing two hot women together got my insecurities...
  2. M

    Ladies, y'all just be hunching y'all best friends??

  3. White City Black

    Would having a lesbian daughter disappoint you as a father?

    First off, why are there two variants of “I crave YT women” threads on the first page? :mjlol: …but for real, and I guess this question has been posed in different ways on here throughout the years, but would you as a father be upset or disappointed if your “baby girl” came out as gay? Not bi...
  4. DrexlersFade

    Maga's out here losing it Trump supporter gets sonned by a Lesbian

    Trumpset out here losing they minds :russ: The more the hook kept playing the madder he was getting :mjlol:
  5. The Blackout

    Women cannot be trusted

    Women cannot be trusted bc they don’t trust or like each other.. Now, this is something that I’ve always known having grown up in a household full of women but it didn’t take me until a couple days ago to really sit and marinate with this idea. This isn’t a bash women thread for you lame ass...
  6. Q

    50 vs Jay :Who had the Better Lesbian mother line....

    "Mama had four kids, but she's a lesbian / Had to pretend so long that she's a thespian / Had to hide in the closet, so she medicate / Society shame and the pain was too much to take." Growing up I was confused my mamma kissin a girl/ confusion occurs growing up in a cold world/ daddy aint...
  7. SheWantTheD

    Lesbians Lusting After Sexual Predator Female Teachers :scust:

    I thought it was only men on that "Where were these teachers at when I was in high school?!" http://s1.zetaboards.com/L_Anon/topic/5151106/12/ One poster says: Another poster says: This is who they are talking about by the way, a 29 year old teacher who slept with one of her female...
  8. SirReginald

    Yall Gonna Take Ya Kids To See This?: "Finding Dory" RUMORED To Have Lesbian Couple In It's Flim

    Here is the trailer 1:02 :ohhh:
  9. j.smooth4

    How many of yall have had relations with butch lesbians?

    Thinking back on it the one time I did it was in college and she was honest with me on what she wanted. She was mad chill not a feminazi at all more of a tom boy type played ball in high school. She had short hair and dressed like a man but was still cute. She was opened up about how she...