
  1. B

    Texas state representative James Talarico explains his take on a bill that would force schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom

  2. Jimi Swagger

    Canadian gender-neutral pronoun bill is a warning for Americans

    BY JORDAN B PETERSON Two weeks ago I posted three YouTube videos about legislative threats to Canadian freedom of speech. I singled out Canada’s Federal Bill C-16, which adds legal protection for “gender identity” and “gender expression” to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal code...
  3. SirReginald

    OFFICIAL CALL TO ACTION THREAD: We WERE ONCE Male Lions Who Turned To Sissy Cats

    Listen, we have had ZERO leadership in our community :snoop: We need to turn that around and start working with one another. Also, we have to infiltrate our political system and run for local and state office :jawalrus: Because we need legislature passed that could help our poor communities...