
  1. Liu Kang

    A Discussion on The Left & The Working Class

    So in light of the Democrats L, it could be interesting to discuss about a phenomenon that has been happening in the West since the 2000s and the solutions the Left can find to earn back the votes of the working class. Historically, the working class and the uneducated (I mean it in the no...
  2. BREAKING: Court Finds that Texas Law Requiring the Rejection of Mail Ballots and Applications Violates the Civil Rights Act #VotingMatters #TheCourts

    :salute: THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/court-finds-texas-law-requiring-rejection-mail-ballots-and-applications-violates-civil Court Finds that Texas Law Requiring the Rejection of Mail Ballots and Applications Violates the Civil Rights Act Friday, August 18, 2023...
  3. Biden administration urges colleges to pursue racial diversity without affirmative action#NotBothSides

    Heres the guidance: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-20230814.pdf https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/ocr-questionsandanswers-tvi-20230814.pdf...
  4. dora_da_destroyer

    Liberal hypocrisy fueling American inequality (video)
