labour party

  1. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    John McDonnell shapes Labour case for four-day week

    John McDonnell, the Labour shadow chancellor, is in discussions with the distinguished economist Lord Skidelsky about an independent inquiry into cutting the working week, possibly from the traditional five days to four. The academic, who has a longstanding interest in the future of work...
  2. FAH1223

    Obama calls Bernie a "centrist" and "he's no Jeremy Corbyn".... Corbyn strikes back

    Corbyn hits back after Obama suggests Labour is disintegrating Labour leader’s spokesman says he stands for what most people want after outgoing US president’s ‘fact and reality’ remarks A spokesman for Labour’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn, said his ideas were ‘common sense and grounded in...
  3. Kitsch

    UK Politics Thread 🇬🇧

    We've got a Labour safe seat over here. :sas2: